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About me


     Eleanor McGuirk is a multimedia artist based in the New York City metropolitan area. Her most recent artwork illustrates older women in a mythical, whimsical and symbolic environment. Her goal for this series is to celebrate older women in a culture that often ignores them. She is influenced by a plethora of art and design styles from all over the world and across eras. Eleanor will graduate from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY this May with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drawing and a minor in Art History.


Artist Statement  

     I am working on a series of portraits of imagined older women.  My series focuses on the materiality of the media, creating colors and textures and the concept of honoring older women. My work combines visual pleasure and social ideas. During this trying time, I find creating these pieces to be much like engaging in a soothing and satisfying jigsaw puzzle. More than anything, my goal is to intrigue, evoke a feeling of serenity and convey the charisma of these women. 

     I use my interest in textile design, bright colors and detailed graphics to celebrate these women and their fictional personalities that I’ve constructed. I am influenced by an abundance of art movements, styles and artists.  Among them are Japanese, Indian and Mexican traditional patterning, Japanese woodblock prints, the Arts and Crafts movement, folk art from around the globe and artists and illustrators like Gustav Klimt, Patricia Polacco, Erté, Jacqueline Ayer, Molly Bang, Minnie Evans and Jocelyn Hobbie. Such artists and design styles have a fantastic handling of color, line and composition.

     My characters are imagined and are inspired by personal connotations, and cultural symbolism. Women become more and more invisible to society as they age.  We place a lot of value on looks and desirability and there is a great deal of pressure on women to stay “youthful” looking, no matter how impossible the feat. I want this series to be an exuberant, playful way to honor older women.

Thesis Show: "Idols" Link:

Thesis: "Idols" 

(Please click the PDF icon below to view)

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